CSEA, the Civil Service Employees Association, today announced the union’s endorsement of Westchester County Executive George Latimer in his campaign for the Democratic nomination for New York’s 16th Congressional District seat.
“As a progressive Democrat, I have always believed that government must be a force for good with real results. And as an elected official, I know that I could not have achieved the results I have without the hard work of CSEA’a members, the women and men in public service who make government function,” said Latimer. “Together, the members of CSEA and I have made Westchester the most progressive county government in New York, and it is an honor to receive their endorsement.”
CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan said, “George Latimer has a proven track record at every multiple levels of government, with a history of consistent leadership and success throughout his career. It is clear that George will best represent the needs, not only of CSEA members residing in the 16th District, but of all middle and working-class families.”
CSEA Southern Region President Anthony M. Adamo said, “As current Southern Region president and former chair of the CSEA Statewide Political Action Committee, I’ve interacted with George in his roles as assemblymember, state senator, and now county executive. There is no doubt that George is the most qualified candidate to represent the 16th District and will hit the ground running, no learning curve required.”
CSEA Westchester County Local President Hattie Adams said, “In working with George in his role as county executive, he has been a true partner who has advocated strongly for county workers and residents. Sending him to Congress will benefit the 16th District and the country at large.”
CSEA is Local 1000 of AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which in turn is one of the largest affiliates of the AFL-CIO. In Westchester County and the Bronx, CSEA represents thousands of union members providing vital services.