George Latimer is a lifelong Westchester resident who has built a career in public service by delivering unparalleled progressive results for local residents. George’s track record in making Westchester the most progressive County government in the state includes successfully cutting regressive taxes, fighting for civil rights and racial equality, defending a woman’s right to choose, standing up to the NRA to keep guns off our streets, voting for marriage equality, and smartly investing a Green New Deal style infrastructure projects across the County.
Latimer is also a longtime champion for progressive policies and leaders, and helped lead the effort to make Westchester, a formerly solid Republican County, into a blue firewall that has withstood multiple red waves in recent years. He has supported Democratic candidates and committees across the state, with an unmatched track record of working to advance Democratic goals.
If you are not currently registered to vote, you can register until June 15. To request a voter registration application or register online:
Please note that while all voters are able to vote in November, you must be enrolled in the Democratic Party to vote in the June 25 Democratic Primary.
Early voting has begun! All voters are eligible to vote early any day from June 15-23.
The deadline to request a mail in ballot has passed. Ballots must be postmarked by June 25th, or hand-delivered to an early voting location or the Board of Elections.
Many voters and their families still prefer to vote in-person on Primary Election Day, Tuesday June 25th, from 6:00 AM – 9:00PM